If we had to theme today’s #Amplifriday spotlight feature it would be, smaller in stature, mighty in heart! A few weeks ago, I noticed a social media post from a colleague/friend of mine, Ginny Blattler, who was playing soccer in Hawaii on a women’s 65+ soccer team. That feat alone, keeping the body fit and healthy to play the beautiful game into your 60s, is amplifiable, but it’s also Ginny’s sparkling personality that lands her in the Amplifriday spotlight.
I first met Ginny on the soccer pitch in a tournament. Me, at 6’ 2” and her at I think 5’ something hit it off right away. Opposites in height apparently attract! Like with many people who light up the lives of others in such good ways, I was not surprised to learn that Ginny has a full life of helping others through her work and volunteering activities.
Ginny was a bit of a late bloomer in soccer, as she didn’t start playing until she was 42. She found a passion through the sport, dove into coaching youth soccer and lent her expertise as a fitness trainer to youth and adult teams. She was also a committee member for the women’s soccer league in the Sunshine Coast and a referee for many years.
When she’s not on the pitch, Ginny is a personal trainer leading group exercise classes for those 40+. In private sessions, she puts her knowledge and skills forward to help people living with different health conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, post Stroke, Fibromyalgia, Autism, Cognitive Disorders, Joint Rehabilitation, etc. She also spends several hours a week volunteering for the Sunshine Coast Community Services Thrift Store. Every dollar at the thrift store goes directly toward supporting Sunshine Coast Community Social Services (SCCSS) programs for pregnant women and new parents, families, children, youth, adults, and seniors through the provision of crisis response, support programs, housing, and advocacy.
8 years ago, Ginny was diagnosed with having severe to moderate severe osteoarthritis in her knees. She continues to stay positive to overcome this degenerative joint disease, and that’s why she keeps pushing herself with fitness and try to inspire others. She believes what Hippocrates said,
“Exercise is medicine.”
For Ginny in her 65th year, the beautiful game is more about camaraderie than competition. She is forever grateful for meeting and having the opportunities playing with so many amazing women.
Ginny – you are a remarkable person of impact. As is our team at Amplify Consulting Inc.’s commitment, we will donate $100 to a charity of your choice to further amplify both your remarkable impact and the charity’s.

We were proud to amplify the remarkable impact of Ginny Blattler last week. As a part of AmpliFriday, we donate $100 to a charity of choice for our amplified individual and Ginny chose Sunshine Coast Community Services (SCCSS), noting,
“All monies go directly to supporting pregnant women and new parents, families, children, youth, adults, and seniors through crisis response, support programs, housing, and advocacy in our community.”
Sunshine Coast Community Services Society is a community-based organization providing services for people on the Sunshine Coast since 1974. Their myriad programs include interest-free loans for eligible families and individuals on the Sunshine Coast facing housing challenges, the Arrowhead clubhouse, where people living with mental illness can meet to learn skills and build relationships in a safe, stigma-free environment, and The Kids In Motion program which supports children with special needs in accessing recreational and leisure activities.
Congratulations again, Ginny, on being amplified; we are happy to make a $100 donation to the SCCSS in your honour.
Nominate someone remarkable. Link below.
Amplify Consulting Inc. is a company that helps leaders, and their organizations amplify their impact through communications and stakeholder engagement. #Amplifriday is our passion project we started in 2018 to amplify remarkable people of impact to inspire you, honour them, and support local charities. You can join the #Amplifriday movement as a supporter. Reach out for details.