There are so many beautiful people among us who seek to make their lights shine in this world, and today’s nominated individual is no different. We are so pleased to have a nomination for a remarkable woman of impact who authentically shares her heritage and history to help make the world incrementally better every day, and that is Joanne Brown.
Sian Lewis of Day One Society shares this nomination of Joanne: “Our Day One Society staff and board wish to thank Joanne for her heartfelt, personal, and insightful presentation regarding Truth and Reconciliation earlier this fall. Joanne is a member of the Cheslatta Carrier Nation, L’silu clan, born and raised in her home at Grassy Plains. She moved to Secwépemcwluc from Prince George in 1996. She is a long-term employee at Thompson Rivers University (TRU) and is now one of TRU’s Indigenous Elders.
Joanne shared the history of Indigenous people, as well as stories of her family, her territory, and personal trials and tribulations with our team. Her welcoming, loving and courageous look at the history of Indigenous people in Canada provides a beacon of hope, reminding us that we can all positively impact the future trajectory for Indigenous peoples in Canada through respectful relationship, connection, and action.
This is beautiful and sums up Joanne so well. On TRU’s website, there’s a quote about Joanne:
“Joanne strives to make sure that everyone is welcomed and ensures they feel special in a way that is unique and unforgettable.” If you ever get the chance to meet her, you too will get such a powerful feeling of welcome from this accomplished individual.
Joanne – you are a remarkable person of impact! As is our team at Amplify Consulting Inc.’s commitment, we will donate $100 to a charity of your choice to further amplify both your remarkable impact and the charity’s.

Last week, we had the privilege of amplifying Joanne Brown's incredible impact. As part of AmpliFriday, we donate $100 to a charity of choice for our amplified individuals, and Joanne chose The Kamloops Food Bank.
Joanne explains,
I know that people don't frequent it unless they absolutely need to; therefore, I picked the food bank because it makes a big difference in our community.
The Kamloops Foodbank has the metrics to support its vision of a hunger-free community. Founded in 1981, this independent organization, a member of the Food Banks British Columbia and an affiliate member of Food Banks Canada, has circulated 260,000 pounds of food regionally to nine rural food banks supporting forty-five community food programs. As a distribution hub, they have allocated one million pounds of non-perishable food and increased their connection to communities in the interior. The Food Bank has also distributed over ten thousand school snacks and made over 2000 infant essentials available through the Baby Bank program.
Congratulations again, Joanne, on being amplified; we are happy to make a $100 donation to support the Kamloops Food Bank in your honour.
Nominate someone remarkable > www.amplifriday.ca
Amplify Consulting Inc. is a company that helps leaders, and their organizations amplify their impact through communications and stakeholder engagement. #Amplifriday is our passion project to amplify remarkable people of impact to inspire you, honour them, and support local charities. You can join the #Amplifriday movement as a supporter. Reach out for details.