Executive Project Director, Highway Reinstatement Program, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure • Province of BC

When a crisis arises, we see exemplary leaders rise and provide guidance to their teams. This is never done well through being bossy, but through an earned authority to lead well, a characteristic of our amplified individual today.
Amplify Consulting Inc. helps industry leaders, and their organizations define their purpose and clarify their message to amplify their impact. #Amplifriday is our passion project to amplify remarkable people of impact. Today, we are blessed with a wonderful nomination from Becky VanLimbeek to amplify Jennifer Fraser.
Becky writes: “Jennifer is my boss, but more than a boss she is a motivated, and empowering female leader. She is the Executive Project Director for the Highway Reinstatement Program with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for the Province of BC. When the atmospheric river occurred last November, it devastated our highways in the Southern Interior. Jennifer has been listening, leading, and empowering her team of employees, contractors, and consultants to overcome this massive crisis from response phase into the recovery. I’m incredibly honored to have joined her team in July and feel her leadership skills are inspiring, motivating, and for me—life changing—she sees and truly believes in her team.”
“Leadership has nothing to do with having power over someone; it’s about using your influence to inspire and empower your team to achieve the impossible.”
Incredibly well said Becky! We are thrilled to learn about Jennifer and her leadership, and thrilled to amplify her today so as to publicly honour her and inspire others.
Jennifer, from the perspective of someone who uses our highways, thank you to you and your team for the incredible work. We also salute you for clearly leading so well that your team would take the time to nominate you. As is our team at Amplify Consulting Inc.’s commitment, we will donate $100 to a charity of your choice to further amplify both your remarkable impact and the charity you choose.
Nominate someone remarkable > www.amplifriday.ca
NOTE: The Ministry just re-opened Highway 8 to the public. It had been closed for 361 days and now all the effected highway corridors are open, Highways 1, 3, 5, 8 and are now entering into Recovery Phase with final construction and improvements happening over the next couple of years.